Exploration, Stratigraphy and Hiatus
Basin evolution based on stratigraphic records, geothermal exploration, deep drilling
We have started to re-evaluate the 3-D sedimentological and structural setting of the northern Alpine Foreland Basin (Molasse basin) based on available industry seismic and borehole data. The goal of our work is to better understand the dynamic evolution of foreland basins and their relationship to lithospheric processes, via loading and unloading processes.
In 2018, we had the opportunity to acquire cuttings from a deeply (> 3600 m) drilled geothermal well, located in the eastern Molasse basin (Garching an der Alz). 54 students and 8 staff members were involved in collecting the over 4200 buckets at 3-5 kg each. Currently, geochemical, micropaleontological and provenance analyses are ongoing. Students who are interested to about modern analytical techniques on real samples from this well may contact any of the coordinators of the project (Anke Friedrich, Stefanie Rieger, Donja Aßbichler, Simon Kübler).
We are currently looking for students who are interested to participate in the geochemical, geochronological and biostratigraphic analysis of the acquired cuttings, or in paleoseismological characterization of active faults in the vicinity of the thermally active regions of the foreland basin.
Active Grant Proposals:
DFG Project no. 415709844 (Friedrich), 2018 - 2019: Sample collection and processing of cuttings from the currently running geothermal deep-drilling well BRUCK-GT-001 (Quaternary to Upper Jurassic, Eastern Molasse Basin, Bavaria).
The late Miocene to Holocene erosion pattern of the Alpine foreland basin reflects Eurasian slab unloading beneath the western Alps rather than global climate change By: Baran, R.; Friedrich, A. M.; Schlunegger, Fritz LITHOSPHERE Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Pages: 124-131 Published: APR 2014
Geological Remote Sensing — Applications in exploration and field mapping
Anke Friedrich, Sara Carena, Simon Kübler, Stefanie Rieger
The core of our geological undergraduate curriculum lies in teaching students modern techniques of rigorous field work in remote regions. The basic field camp currently takes place in the Cabo de Gata National Park, near Las Negras (Almeria), where we train students in basic field mapping techniques in sedimentary and volcanic rocks, as well as coastal geomorphology. The sedimentary setting is a world-class training site for petroleum geologists, because the complete source-to-sink, coastal to shallow marine sedimentary petroleum system is well exposed. The volcanic rocks at Cabo de Gata host the world-famous epithermal copper-gold-deposits in a Late Miocene caldera complex. Students also get to study prime exposures of the Carboneras strike-slip fault, and metamorphic rocks of the Betic Cordillera.
Currently, a new geological remote sensing and field mapping campaign is being planned for the Northern Calcareous Alps, just south of Munich. Beginning in the summer of 2020, there will be numerous exciting opportunities for students to learn state-of-the-art mapping techniques while exploring the beautiful and geological interesting landscape along the northern Alpine margin.
Student career opportunities
We have more than 80 geology students per academic year. Our students are trained in state-of-the-art field geology with focus on 3D-visualization and quantification of Earth surface and subsurface geological processes. Our undergraduate students seek to be connected to industry for internships, traineeships, and jobs. We are also interested to host industry-based workshops, lectures, and recruiting interviews. If you would like to visit our campus or offer internships or jobs in all current fields of geology, please contact us per e-mail Ls-Geologie@geo.uni-muenchen.de.
Exchanges, sponsoring, and collaborations
University of Alberta, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Arizona (USA); University of Athens, Greece.
Last updated: 22.11.2022