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About us

Welcome to the Chair of Geology of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is a scientific institution of the School of Geosciences of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU). We are also part of the Munich GeoCenter, an established network of research and teaching.

For those interested in studying geology, we offer a joint program (LMU and TUM) for a Bachelor Degree in Geosciences, and a Master Degree Program in Geology. Our Master Program is international and allows specialization in a range of topics. We are currently redesigning our Master of Geology program, placing more emphasis on Active Tectonics, Geomorphology and Sedimentology, Earthquake studies, Geological Remote Sensing, Hazards and Resources. The new program is expected to open no earlier than Fall 2025.

The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the Chair of Geology at the LMU Munich. The plan for the anniversary celebration includes classical activities, such as a geological field trip to the Alps and a scientific colloquium . If you see this message now and would like to receive more information, then please e-mail Due to the Corona-crisis, we will postpone these anniversary activities. Stay tuned.

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Panoramic view of the Kaibab monocline and "Powell's great unconformity" exposed at the easternmost portion of the Grand Canyon, at Desert View Point. The photo was taken during the 2010 West USA geological field school of the University of Munich (September 2010, © A. Friedrich).