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Christina Plattner

Dr. habil. Christina Plattner


Tectonic geodesy, numerical modeling, geological remote sensing.


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Geologie
Luisenstr. 37
80333 München

Room: A 148

Office hours:
By arrangement

Further Information

C U R R I C U L U M  V I T A E

Professional Appointments

 04/2022 - 04/2024 Research Associate and scientific coordination of the Research Training Group UPLIFT, Institute for Astronomical and Physical Geodesy, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany

09/2013 - 04/2024 Research Associate, Geologie, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU) München, Germany.

01/2013-06/2013 Scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service for scientists returning from abroad.

08/2011-06/2012 Assistant Professor of Geomatics Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Geomatics Engineering, Florida Atlantic University.

12/2009 – 08/2011 Postdoctoral Associate at the Dept. of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami.

07/2009 – 12/2009 Postdoctoral Associate, Geophysics, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU.


09/2005 – 07/2009 Doctoral student, Geophysics, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU. Doctoral thesis: “Dynamic Implications of Baja California microplate kinematics on the North America – Pacific plate boundary region”. Funding from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the international graduate school THESIS of the Elitenetzwerk Bayern.

 11/1999 – 04/2005 Diploma study of Geography, Geology, and Geophysics at LMU, passed with distinction (1,1). Diploma thesis with the Commission for Glaciology, Bavarian Academy of Sciences: „The spatial variation of snow accumulation at Vernagtferner in the Austrain Alps in winter 2003/2004“.


01/2009 AGU Fall Meeting 2008 Outstanding Student Paper Award (Tectonophysics).

11/2007 accepted into the LMU Mentoring-Programme in the framework of LMUexcellent. Supervision Prof. B. Reichenbacher (LMU), Dr. O. Heidbach (GFZ Potsdam).

12/2005 MARGINS Student Prize (Honorable Mention).

11/2005 accepted into the int. graduate school THESIS of the Elitenetzwerk Bayern.


  • Plattner, C., Parizzi, A., Carena, S., Rieger, S., Friedrich, A., Abolghasem, A., DeZan, F., 2021, Long-lived afterslip of the 2013 Mw 6.1 Minab earthquake detected by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry along the Irer fault (western Makran-Zagros transition zone, Iran), Geophysical Journal International, 229(1), DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab456.
  • Umhoefer, P., C. Plattner, and R. Malservisi (2020), Quantifying rates of "rifting while drifting" in the southern Gulf of California: The role of the southern Baja California microplate and its eastern boundary zone, Lithosphere, 12(1), 122-132, doi:10.1130/L1132.1.
  • Plattner, C., Malservisi, R., Amelung, F., Dixon, T.H., Hackl, M., Verdecchia, A., Lonsdale, P., Suarez-Vidal, F., Gonzalez-Garcia, J., (2015), Space geodetic observation of the deformation cycle across the Ballenas Transform, Gulf of California, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 5843–5862, doi:10.1002/2015JB011959.
  • Plattner, C., H. Fatthi, R. Malservisi, F. Amelung, A. Verdecchia, T.H. Dixon (2015) Earthquake cycle deformation at the Ballena transform, Gulf of California, Mx, from InSar and GPS measurements, In Proceedings of FRINGE’15: Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 23-27 March 2015, Ouwehand L., Ed., ESA Publication SP-731. doi:10.5270/Fringe2015.366.
  • Plattner, C., Amelung, F., Baker, S., Govers, R., Poland, M., (2013), the role of viscous spreading of the deep magma reservoir for volcanic flank motion at Kilauea volcano, Hawai’I, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1-14, doi: doi:10.1002/jgrb.50194.
  • Plattner, C., Wdowinski, S., Dixon, T.H., Biggs, J., and Govers, R., (2010), Surface subsidence induced by the Crandall Mine (Utah) collapse: InSAR observations and elasto-plastic modeling, Geophysical Journal International, 183, 3, 1089-1096, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04803.x.
  • Plattner, C., Malservisi, R., Furlong, K.P., and Govers, R. (2010), Development of the Eastern California Shear Zone – Walker Lane belt: the effects of microplate motion and pre-existing weakness in the Basin and Range, Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.11.021.
  • Plattner, C., (2009), Dynamic Implications of Baja California microplate kinematics on the North America – Pacific plate boundary region, Fakultaet fuer Geowissenschaften, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen.
  • Plattner, C., Malservisi, R. and Govers, R., (2009). On the plate boundary forces that drive and resist Baja California, Geology, v. 37, p. 359 – 262, doi: 10.1130/G25360A.1
  • Plattner, C., Malservisi R., Dixon T.H., LaFemina P., Sella G., Fletcher J., Suarez-Vidal F., (2007). New constraints on relative motion between the Pacific plate and Baja California microplate (Mexico) from GPS measurements. Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03494.x
  • Plattner, C., Braun, L. and Brenning, A., (2006). The spatial variability of snow accumulation at Vernagtferner, Austrian Alps, in winter 2003/2004. Zeitschrift fuer Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, B39-2003/2004, 43-57.