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Alireza Sobouti

Alireza Sobouti, M.Sc.

PhD student in Geodesy

Tectonic Geodesy, InSAR, Geodynamics


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Geologie
Luisenstr. 37
80333 München

Room: A 137
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 6562

Further Information

I study the crustal deformation of southern coast of Iran due to the subduction of Arabian plate beneath Eurasia using InSAR. I employ time series analysis methods to isolate the inter-seismic deformation from other source of InSAR signals mainly atmospheric signal. Then I infer the slip deficit of the subducting plate from inversion of estimated InSAR-derived deformations.
I am also working as a Scientific Assistant on the FutuRaM (Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials) project, with a focus on the Python web application development.


Publications in Google Scholar